Hawk's Hiker Haven
Haven /ˈhā vən/ noun A place of safety or refuge.

2 miles from the AT with free pickup at Stecoah Gap, this tiny but cozy cabin has everything that a hiker needs to get out of the elements and charge up for the next day of hiking. We can house up to 3 in the cabin with a bunk bed and a full size futon. Amenities include fresh linens and blankets, Wifi, internet TV, a shower, toilet, sink, towels, dishes, coffeemaker, coffee, sugar, creamer, microwave, mini-fridge, and toaster oven.
Hiker Cabin
$30/hiker or, if you want to insure privacy, $60 and it's all yours. Breakfast options are available. A small load of laundry is $5.00. Laundry requiring a large capacity washer/dryer is $10/load.
Hiker Shuttles
We offer a free shuttle between Stecoah Gap and The Cabins in the Woods for hikers staying with us. A resupply run into Robbinsville is $20. Other for-fee shuttles are available. Please call for pricing and availability.
Food & Shopping
Stecoah has a food truck called Cyndi Lou's that has limited hours - left onto 28 and about 3/4 mile on your left. Robbinsville has Dollar General, Family Dollar, Health Mart, Ingles Grocery, and Walgreen's. There is a McDonald's, Wendy's, Papa's Pizza To Go and several local restaurants.